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Gary Friendshue

I am first and foremost a father and grandfather. Raising my 5 sons was the greatest joy of my life. I raised four of them with their mother, and raised my fifth son on my own for seven years from the time he was a year old. 
Throughout their childhood I used to tell my boys bedtime stories and found that I could teach them many things through these stories, even though they never realized they were being taught.

It's was fun watching them readily absorb and apply the lessons they learned. Not one of my boys ever told me no after the age of seven and they all grew into, by any set of standers, fine adults with families of their own.

When visiting with my sons about their childhood, as they themselves became fathers, they said some of their fondest memories were story time.

That brought me to where I am today, sharing my stories.

I have been blessed beyond all measure, and I just wanted to give something back. I also thought I might be able to help others through these stories, and to help children’s charities along the way. In trying to do both of those things I started writing children's stories for children's charities.

My original intent was to write a book like Little One for each of my stories. That turned out to be too much work so I decided to put several of my stories in one book. I called it Stories for all Ages. It can be purchased on Amazon. Go to Amazon, under books and type in Gary W Friendshuh, or click on this link, and you will see it along with other books I have written.

In my book “Raising Children the greatest joy and most important responsibility you will ever have”, I have shared my story of raising my five sons. Hopefully the experiences, thoughts and lessons learned along the way may be of some help to fathers and mothers raising their own children.

Along the way I had five sons, went up against a grizzly bear with a knife and a rock, won a state handball tournament, was a guide and outfitter on my very remote ranch, wrote a book on raising children, started writing down my children’s stories, wrote a couple more books, and had an awakening in my life long search for faith.

If you want to know more about me or a life lived very differently than most, once you get on Amazon as mentioned above, you can review or purchase  A PATH LESS TAKEN, the true-life adventurers of ONE MAN and his faith awakening.  It is kind of an autobiography.
100% of any profit I get on any of my books is given to children’s charities.

If you are interested, you can ClickHere to see more of my writings.